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- My Dad, Paul, Herman was born in Pender. When I started searching forfamily in 1986, I visited Pender to see if I could find anyinformation. As I drove down the main street, I spotted a sign whichsaid Steele`s Bar & Grill. I went in and found the owner who was aSteele but, as it turned out, didn`t have any connection with any ofour family tree. However, he phoned his 96 year old great Aunt tomake enquiries and she did remember Nora & Henry having lived inPender. I had hoped to visit with the woman, but his nephew said thather health was too delicate to receive visitors.
After leaving Pender, I drove to Missouri Valley and started searchingold newspapers at the Public Library where I found a write up ofGrandfather Henry`s funeral. I found out that he was buried in OldTown Cemetary( also known as Oak Grove) in Missouri Valley, and founda family plot containing Henry and other family members. Theinscription on the headstones are as follows:
Henry Fielding Steele, born June 10, 1872. Died Nov.3, 1899. Erectedby The Woodmen of the World.
The newspaper account stated that he died in Pender and that his bodywas shipped to Missouri Valley for burial. It went on to state thathe died of heart trouble, however, when I visited the County Seat atLogan, their records state that he died from Typhoid Fever.
Neva Valeria(Ithink), Daughter of H.F. & N.V. Steele ( I have neverknown what the V. stands for but maybe it, too, was Valeria) DiedOct. 8, 1897. Age 7months, 6 days.
With regard to my dad, Paul Steele; he joined the Canadian Army inJan. of 1916 at the age of 15 and went into action in Aug. He gotthrough the battles at the Somme and Vimy Ridge until, just two monthsbefore the end of the war, he was machine gunned in the leg during thebattle for Cambrai. He spent a year in hospital in England andanother year in hospital in Canada. After his release, he completedHigh School and then enrolled in Teacher`s College. He died in Marchof 1962 after teaching for over forty years. The unfortunate thingwas that he had planned a summer trip back to where he had fought inFrance, however, that was not to be. My Dad kept a daily diary whilehe was overseas and it has a couple of addresses in it which arefamily relatives and who he wrote to. I have not been able to figureout who they are but you may be able to shed some light on it. Theyare as follows:
LloydO`dell (maybe a brother of Louie)
Section"F", Line 331
FirstKelly Field
South SanAntonio, Texas