John Steele's and Lynne Busby's Genealogy Pages



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 #   Notes   Linked to 
101 State of Iowa Certified Return of Births in the County of Buena Vista
Name: Bhulea S. [this must be a typo. No other documentation indicatesthis name spelling nor did she spell her own name this way]
Sex: F
Date of Birth: Apr 18 07
Place of Birth: Truesdale
Full Maiden Name of Mother: Mary A. George
Full Name of Father: W.E. Irland
For the Year Ending: December 31, 1907
Dated: 10 June 1908
"is a correct transcript from the records in this office. Buena VistaClerk District Court"
The following was conveyed to Lynn Sabin (author) by John Baumhoff,May 13, 1971.

Beulah and Ed Sabin used to spend many a pleasant evening sitting intheir backyard, visiting with longtime neighbors. One regular visitorwas John Baumhoff, who had lived nextdoor for nearly 40 years. Suchwas the gathering on the evening of May 11, 1971. About 7:00 PM, astwilight was well on, Beulah leaned back in her folding chair,exclaimed, "Oh Ed," and died. 
IRLAND, Beulah Stella (I2717)
102 The Last Will & Testament of William Edwards

In the name of God amen. I William Edwards Senior of the town ofCoxsackie in the county of Green in the State of New York being weakin body but of perfect mind & memory thanks be to Almighty God for thesame and calling to mind not only the uncertainty of this mortal lifebut also the certainty of death and also believing the holy Scriptureswhich declares we ought to do justly to love mercy and walk humblywith God. Therefore in compliance with this request of doing justly Ishall endeavor to make a just distribution of my earthly propertyamongst my children & earthly companion that they all may enjoy thesame after my decease peaceably which I shall mention in the followingmanner and 1 sly. My wish is that my widow should possess and enjoythe farm on 100 acres I now live on and all the profits thereof duringthe time of her remaining my widow in conjunction with my two youngestsons Aaron & Moses and it is to be noted that this privilege isgranted to my widow in order to enable her to school and maintain mychildren during their age of minority and expecting her also to ______in & pay out all my just debts and I hereby constituting her my soleand only executrix of this my last will and Testament. My intent andfurther to be understood that if after my two sons Aaron & Moses comesto lawful age or twenty one years or more that they then should becomespendthrifts and act imprudently my meaning is that their mothershould no longer be under any obligations to possess _______ or enjoythe farm in conjunction with them or either of them that shall they beimprudent but should have the entire control of the farm & propertyduring her remaining my widow but if they behave prudently then tohave each their equal share of the income of my farm & propertyaccording to their prudence industry and merit during their mother’slifetime if she remains my widow and after her decease. I wish my twosaid youngest sons to have forty acres (last line unreadable)

The said forty acres to be set off in the following manner, by actualsurvey that to say beginning at the north east corner of the fieldeast of the orchard north of the Turnpike road joining the woodlandrunning nearly south to a certain pile of stones and thence in asoutherly direction to what is called the garner line or south line ofmy farm and to extend westerly on said line so far as to be in rangewith the Eastside or fence of the field where John Bogardus plantedcorn the last season or summer, and from thence to run northerly &westerly so far as to embrace the said forty acres so as to have ittake in the house barn & orchard and lie in as nearly a square form asis possibly consistent with the first two lines. This I wish my twoyoungest sons their heirs & assign to possess & enjoy forever and theresidue of my land & personal property if any of the personal property& I wish to be equally divided amongst my sons & daughters hereafternamed _____

George William, Stephen & instead of John his oldest daughter Racheland then my daughter Betsey Claw, Rebecca Hallenbeck, Sally Barr,Rosetta Edwards & Rhoda my youngest daughter and as to Aaron & Mosestheir portion has been mentioned as as to Morris Edwards my third sonhaving given him all I intended I only request my widow & Executrixwithin five years if convenient to purchase for & give him a largebible worth four or five dollars that he may look thereon & therein &remember that he had an earthly father & still has a heavenly Fatherwho requires his obedience and loudly calls on him to prepare to meethis God. And as further explanation of the aforesaid grant to my widowI wish to take no reasonable privilege from her while she remains mywidow but if she married I then request and direct that she shouldonly have of my property her third as the law directs & the twoyoungest sons to have their forty acres immediately set off to themand the remainder sold and the money divided among them as isaforesaid or else the land divided among them if they shall choose. Ialso direct that those who are under age should have their maintenanceand schooling from the increase or products of my property duringtheir minority & more especially in case of sickness or misfortune andbecause my widow & two youngest sons will have the increase of all mypersonal property I direct that Rhoda also should not be neglected buthave at least all her earnings from the time of my decease untill ofage and as much more assistance as the income of my property willadmit of & finally as it is impossible for me to foresee future eventsor every circumstance that may occur I hereby leave and expect manythings to be done and transacted discretionary by my Executrix who Itrust is as anxious for the happiness & welfare of her children as Iam I therefore leave it discretionary with her whether she will haveany income or increase from the little lot of land that I own now inthe possession of Samuel Barr & even to convey the title of said lotto his wife (last line unreadable)

Receive it as their full portion _ and I hereby certify that this & noother is my last will and testament hereby revoking all other & formerwills by me made _ In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand &seal this twenty sixth day of March in the year of our Lord onethousand eight hundred & twenty four.

Sealed & delivered in the presence of us who in the presence of thetestator subscribed our names as witnesses.

Henry Cornwell

John Hollister William Edwards (seal)

Ruben Brundydge

Greene County SS – be it remembered that on the twelfth day of May onethousand Eight hundred & twenty four before Dorrance KirtlandSurrogate of the said county came Henry Cornwell on of the subscribingwitnesses to the original instrument purporting to be the last will &testament of William Edwards deceased of which the foregoing is a copyand being duly sworn made oath that he saw the testator the saidWilliam Edwards execute the said instrument & publish & declare thesame to be his last will and testament and that as well he as theother subscribing witnesses to wit John Hollister & Ruben Brundydgewere all present at the time the said William Edward executed the saidinstrument & subscribed their names as witnesses thereto in thepresence of the said testator & in the presence of each other and thatthe said testator was then of sound & disposing mind and memory and beit further remembered that on the day & year aforesaid before the saidSurrogate came Rachel Edwards the widow and Executrix in the saidInstrument named & was by me the said Surrogate duly qualified intooffice.

Dorrance Kirtland

Recorded May 22d 1824
EDWARDS, William (I3342)
103 Viola hired Winnie Steele (now Weber) as a "nanny" for her 2 boys.Her husband was a German baker in Kalama, WY. She began coming todances by herself and met Ray Steele. She left her husband; moved toPortland, and started divorce proceedings. She also took Winnie withher. Ray Steele would come to visit Winnie (and Viola) on weekends.Ray and Viola were married at Christmastime in 1926. In 1927, Violagot pneumonia and died. Her first husband came to Portland; took careof the funeral and took his sons back with him. - Charles F Perry ENGLEMAN, Viola (I2552)
104 Was on active duty in the US Navy when he was killed while driving atruck. (Ref. Oral history provided by Leonard Sabin 11/07/2002.) FRUTIGER, Lee G. (I3646)
105 When Austin was dying, he requested that his father not by him agravestone, "just put a rock to mark me". - Cora Roberts to Al Roberts- July 1998

The stone that presently (Sep 1998) marks Austin & Ora's resting placewas carved by their brother, James Ruben Roberts.[marlow.GED]
ROBERTS, Johnson Austin (I1655)
106 Will Downs was a manager at Pacific Power & Light (PP&L) in Portland,Oregon. He was responsible for getting Edwin Sabin his job there after1945. DOWNS, William M. "Will" (I3617)
107 William Irland's son, William Irland, Jr., died 7 Mar 1813 inFayette, Seneca, New York. He (William Jr.) was the 7th member ofCaptain William Irland's Company Riflemen, New York Militia, War of1812 to die since 27 Oct 1812. William Jr. was an Ensign under hisfather, Captain William Irland Sr.,in the War of 1812. There are nosure finds of William Irland Jr's. gravestone; however, there doesexist at Burgh Cemetery, Fayette, New York, a stone on it's face nearthe stone of William Irland Sr.'s burial site. Burgh Cemetery islocated on Road #121 at Fayette, New York The stone on it's face islocated between the stones of David and Margaret (son of Wm. Irland,Sr.) See Town of Fayette, Historical Sketch, pages 148 & 149,Appendix F. for verification of military services. See listing page122, showing items from #4704 through #4736 showing the listings"Ireland/Irland" also (Family Binder #2).

Will recorded January 18, 1826; Copy of original exists

IRLAND, William (I2959)
108 [Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 1, Ed. 4, Social Security DeathIndex: U.S., Social Security Death Index, Surnames from A through L,Date of Import: Apr 7, 1998, Internal Ref. #]

Individual: Drewry, Sherman
Birth date: Apr 12, 1894
Death date: Jan 1978
Social Security #: 431-24-6664
Last residence: AR 72638
State of issue: AR

[Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 1, Ed. 4, Social Security DeathIndex: U.S., Social Security Death Index, Surnames from A through L,Date of Import: Apr 7, 1998, Internal Ref. #]

Individual: Drewry, Sherman
Birth date: Apr 12, 1894
Death date: Jan 1978
Social Security #: 431-24-6664
Last residence: AR 72638
State of issue: AR[marlow.GED]

[Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 1, Ed. 4, Social Security DeathIndex: U.S., Social Security Death Index, Surnames from A through L,Date of Import: Apr 7, 1998, Internal Ref. #]

Individual: Drewry, Sherman
Birth date: Apr 12, 1894
Death date: Jan 1978
Social Security #: 431-24-6664
Last residence: AR 72638
State of issue: AR[skelton18.GED]

[Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 1, Ed. 4, Social Security DeathIndex: U.S., Social Security Death Index, Surnames from A through L,Date of Import: Apr 7, 1998, Internal Ref. #]

Individual: Drewry, Sherman
Birth date: Apr 12, 1894
Death date: Jan 1978
Social Security #: 431-24-6664
Last residence: AR 72638
State of issue: AR[steel.GED]

[Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 1, Ed. 4, Social Security DeathIndex: U.S., Social Security Death Index, Surnames from A through L,Date of Import: Apr 7, 1998, Internal Ref. #]

Individual: Drewry, Sherman
Birth date: Apr 12, 1894
Death date: Jan 1978
Social Security #: 431-24-6664
Last residence: AR 72638
State of issue: AR 
DREWRY, Sherman Clay (I1830)
109 [drewry18.GED]

Kolyn was born at 1:20 p.m. (Friday), 20 1/2 inches long. - MaryRoberts Loudermilk[McCarty18.GED]

Kolyn was born at 1:20 p.m. (Friday), 20 1/2 inches long. - MaryRoberts Loudermilk[McCarty18.GED]

Kolyn was born at 1:20 p.m. (Friday), 20 1/2 inches long. - MaryRoberts Loudermilk[parrish18.GED]

Kolyn was born at 1:20 p.m. (Friday), 20 1/2 inches long. - MaryRoberts Loudermilk[skelton18.GED]

Kolyn was born at 1:20 p.m. (Friday), 20 1/2 inches long. - MaryRoberts Loudermilk 
LOUDERMILK, Kolyn (I1974)
110 [hans jacob broyles family tree.FTW]

The ancestry of Johannes is taken from the Evangelical Lutheran ParishRegister for Dusslingen. Johannes died during the Thirty Years War. 
BREUEL, Johannes Hans (I3223)
111 [hans jacob broyles family tree.FTW]

The following is from a marker at Germanna, Virginia. This markerhonors the memory of the second Germanna Golony. In 1717 twenty Germanfamilies from the upper Rhine valley, mostly Lutherans, settled nearthis site in 1717 and were promptly followed by others. Some of themwere indebted to Governor Spotswood for money he had advanced fortheir passage. They discharged the dept by assisting in the operationof his iron mines. About 1725 they moved fatrher up to lands acquiredby grants in the Robinson River section of Madison. near White OakRun. In 1740 they built Hebron Lutheran Church. A monument stillstands, which reads:


BREIL, Johannes Broyles (I3214)
112 [Hiram Clary Tree.FTW]

May have been born on November 11, 1737 in Anne Arundel Co, MD. 
CLARY, Ruth (I3457)
113 [irland family tree.FTW]

Ernest C. Schryder served as a Private in Divine's Company of Militia.He and John Harsha are mentioned in Town of Sterling records aschaining (using surveyor's chain) 100 acres of the NorthWest corner ofLot #27 for John Cooper in January of 1812. In 1837 Ernest hadchildren attending school in District #1 which included the Town ofSterling and the Town of Oswego. Ernest Schryder appeared to besomehow related to Catherine Schryder Rassmussen as he was authorizedby Catherine, upon her death, to dispose of her property. On 17 Feb1837 this property, consisting of 50 acres in Lot #3 of Town ofSterling, was sold to Jacob Poucher. This property appears as theidentical parcel of land that Ernest C. Schryder had purchased on 16Jul 1822 from Joseph C. and James C. Corwin.(Cayuga deeds Liber 56 p.145).

Facts about this person:

Burial November 18, 1836
Sterling Center Cemetery
SCHRYDER, Catharine (I2965)
114 [irland family tree.FTW]

Facts about this person:

Will February 10, 1827
Copy of original exists
MCKNIGHT, Jane (I2960)
115 [Marlow-MarkShook.ftw]

Burial at Fairfax Cemetery, Osage County, OK @ 8th & Taft, Section B(NW Corner) last grave on South end of second row from North entranceon West side.Debbie:

Thanks a bunch for the card and photos, especially, the photos. Thisis
the first time that I have ever seen an identified photo of William
Marlow, my Great Grandfather. He appears just as my mother described

William lived in Iron County, Missouri when John Allen Marlow wasborn.
John farmed with his dad in Missouri and married Frances Murphy. When
homesteading land became available in Arkansas, both William and John
moved to Arkansas. Recall that this was not long after the Civil War
(1861 - 1865), and that both Missouri and Arkansas were overrun by
military troops. Some of these troups were not much more than gangsof
independent volunteer ruffians with little discipline. As the wardrew
to a close, there were disoriented, shocked soldiers, roaming the
countyside like lost little boys who did not know where they were, or
where the next meal was comming from, and did not care as well. Some
were renegades. Others had become detached from their units, or were
all that was left of a decimated company. These men were desperate,
hungry, and would steal and shoot your milk cow to eat. Rape and
pillage was commonplace.

In William's old age, he lived his final days with his son, John Allen
Marlow in Arkansas and lastly, in Oklahoma. Mother recalls that shewas
his "bed warmer". It was a common practice for some families to placea
child in bed with an elderly person to help keep them warm on a cold
winter night. (Also, there was shortage of beds in large families.)
Mother [Rosa Orpha (Marlow) Mading] was a young child at that time,
probably 4 or 5 years old. She recalled one of her greatest fears:
She said that she laid awake many a night fearing that the old manwould
die in bed with her. That thought frightened her and I suspect thatit
was a secret not shared with any member of the family.

Mother was fond of William. She said that she often sat on his lapand
played with his beard. She said that William had a skin condition on
his face and did not shave. She also said that he had been woundedand
wore a silver plate in his body, but she did could not recall the
location of this plate or the nature of the wound.

There is a possibility that mother may have been confused about someof
these details becasue she was 95 years old when she related thisstory.
However, I do remember mother telling me in earlier years about her
sitting on William's lap and playing with his beard, so I believe that
this can be taken as factual. The telling was jumbled and disjointed,
jumping from one time frame to another, or from one person to another,
but the detail was amazingly vivid. I had the sense that I was there,
hidden but observing the scene. We are finding that much of what she
told us (while she was in her 90's) does have an accurate basis.

The Marlows moved from Arkansas to Oklahoma in 1908 or 1909 taking
William Marlow with them.. Mother was 4 years old. The women and
small children went by train. They were met at the train station in
Oklahoma by the Brown family. In fact, the Browns were veryinfluential
in John's decision to go to Oklahoma. The Marlows and Browns werevery
close friends while in Arkansas. There exists several pictures of the
Browns and Marlows eatng watermelon or picnicing together. The Brown
family had relocated to Oklahoma before the Marlows did. They acted
much like a sponsor to the newly arriving Marlow family.

John Marlow and some of the boys went by wagon to Oklahoma. They were
ferrying what belongings that would fit in the wagon Mother said the
wagon trip took 2 weeks.

Rosa said that Frances (Murphy) Marlow did not want to go to Oklahoma.
She was very satisfied with her Arkansas house (on Boston Mountian)and
dreaded uprooting the young family, and to go live in uncertain and
primitive housing. They had moved once before from Missouri. ButJohn
was very disappointed with the soil in the Arkansas homestead. It was
too rocky and broke the farming implements. The soil was thin. Itwas
impossible for him to farm in the manner that he wished to do.

The family arrived in Oklahoma in 1908 or 1909. Rosa had been born in
Arkansas on Sept. 20, 1904. Then in Oklahoma, she became 6 years old
on September, 1910. She began the first grade at Gray Horse School,but
diid not get to complete the first year there. John Marlow came into
the house one day in December of 1910 and announced, "We're moving."
The family moved 20 miles away from the Gray Horse School, thus
interrupting Rosa's first year at shcool.

Hopefully, this provides you with some of the background about this
Marlow family and their migration from Missouri to Oklahoma.

Yours truly,
Jim Mading

Your picture was a big help in identifying William Marlow in anotherpicture we have taken about 1905 at Witt Springs, Arkansas that show12 men. The second man from the far right side is William Marlow asidentified from your picture of him with Lucinda Lucy. The man on theleft side of the picture is John Allan Marlow the others are notidentified - LeRoy Paris 12/24/01

Spouse: WALLIS, ELIZABETH Marriage Date: 19 Feb 1860
County: Iron State: MO

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------

Spouse: LEE, LUCINDA Marriage Date: 19 Aug 1873
County: Iron State: MO

MARLOW, William (I2649)
116 [olive broyles family tree.FTW]

Jacob's relationship to John Broyles is proven in a deed recorded 26July 1744 in which Jacob and Conrad BRIEL sell 200 acres, being a partof the deceased John Broyl's patent dated 24 June 1726, and bequeathedto them by John Broyl. [Orange Co., Virginia Deed Book 5, 26 July1744]
Jacob's will was proved 19 May 1763 in Culpeper, Virginia so Ipresume that he died shortly prior to this time.[hans jacob broylesfamily tree.FTW]

Arrived in Virginia with his parents aboard the ship True Love in1717. 
BROYLES, Hans Jacob (I2992)
117 --Invalid Dates

Christen: 1924 Christian Church 
MARTIN, Olvena Inez (I7036)
118 10 children were born, 6 of whom survived. They were: Herbert
Hough,Mrs.John McCauley of Neola, Mrs. Katie Steele, South Omaha,Nebr,
Guy Hough, Cheyenne Wyoming, Mrs. Jennie Scott Boomer, Mrs. MaryWetzler
of Epworth, Iowa. 19 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren. 
Family (F23)
119 121 field artillary World war ! WITWER, Robert P. (I4013)
120 2006 Lives in Indiana where she is going to school. HASTE, Barbara Suzanne (I4018)
121 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. WAITE, Cayla Renay (I3970)
122 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. GAUTIER, Izabella Rene (I4024)
123 7 Lbs 11 Ounces 21.5 inches long 10:12 AM SHEARER, Owen Otis (I7777)
124 About John Steele, II
JOHN STEELE Jr. b. May 09, 1795, AUGUSTA ,VIRGINIA; d. October 07, 1854, ST CLAIR, ILLINOIS; Susannah Jackson daughter of Joel Jackson and Nancy (Caldwell) Jackson, grandson of John Jackson. Was the son of: He was a farmer like his father; 1.JOHN STEELE Sr. that was born Abt. 1764 in VIRGINIA, and died December 18, 1831 in ST CLAIR COUNTY, ILLINOIS. He married CATHERINE JARVIS Abt. 17875, daughter of FIELD JARVIS and (UNKNOWN). Notes for JOHN STEELE: [Br%C3%B8derbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #5403, Date of Import: Sep 25, 1998] 1. There is a John Steel in the Virginia Taxpayers List for Bedford County,VA. John lived in Augusta, VA, Kentucky and then moved to St Clair Co, IL. Last reference he was in Belleview, St Clair Co., IL. More About JOHN STEELE: OCCU: FARMER John Steele Jr. Born May 7, 1795 in VA. Passed away October 7, 1858 in St. Clair Co., IL. at age 63. John Steele Jr. John came to IL with father and bought land with War of 1812 script. John Steele Jr. Is found in information listed in the U. S. Army, Register of Enlistments, 1798-1914. The Original record is on page 289 of Records of Men Enlisted in the U. S. Army Prior to the Peace Establishment, May 17, 1815. John Steele entered the army as a private at the age of 17. August 1, 1813.

His birthplace was listed as Augusta ,VA., at the time.

He was in the 7th Infantry unit under Captain James Doherty.

He was 5'8" with grey eyes and black hair and a rudy complexion.

He listed himself as a farmer.

He enlisted at Dandridge, Tenn. He enlisted for five years.

It is interesting that he was under Capt John Jarvis (his mother's half brother) for a while. When under another Captain in 1815, he received a reprimand and was transferred to a Captain Jones. He must have improved because in June, 1818,he was made a Corporal. He was released from the army August 1,1818, at the age of 22.

John Steele Jr. Born to John Steele and Catherine Jarvis. John married Susanna Jackson and had 6 children. John married Elizabeth Pea and had 10 children. He passed away on 1858 in St Clair, Illinois, USA. Family Members Parents John Steele 1767-1831 Catherine Jarvis 1769-1831 Spouse(s) Susanna Jackson 1799-1835 Elizabeth Unknown 1815-Unknown Children William Steele 1821-1899 Joel Steele 1824-1847 Mary Steele 1825-Unknown Fielding Steele 1830-1902 Catherine Steele 1832-1889 Jessie Pierce Steele 1834-1920

Elizabeth Pea born on 1815 in Virginia. Married John Steele Jr. February 26, 1837 in St. Clair Co., IL. Passed on 1862 age 46. Elizabeth Pea married John Steele Jr. and had 8 children. Family Members Parents James Pea Mother Darwin Sibling Mary Darwin Pea (Twin) 1815-1851 Married William Steele 1821-1899 Son John Steele Jr. and Susannah Jackson. Mary Darwin Pea Steele was William Steele's 2nd wife. His first wife was Nancy Caldwell William Steele 3rd wife was Elisebeth RODGERS OR (ROGERS)Age: 77 1833–1911

Spouse(s) John Steele 1795-1858 Elizabeth Pea Steele and John Steele Jr. Children were:

Sarah De Armond Steele 1839-1912 John Wesley Steele 1836-1865 Nephany Elizabeth Steele 1841-Unknown Samuel McGuire Steel 1843-1862 Julia Steele 1845-Unknown Rose Anne Steele 1846-1846 Louisa Steele 1848-Unknown Lucinda Eldorado Steele 1849-1909 James Martin Steele 1852-Unknown George Washington Steele 1855-1855

JOHN STEELE JR, was a son of JOHN STEELE SR and CATHERINE JARVIS are JOHN STEELE JR. John Steele Jr. siblings. i. WILLIAM STEELE, b. December 08, 1788, VIRGINIA; d. February 22, 18585; m. JANE SPARKS (SHARPS?). 18085. ii. FIELDING STEELE, b. Abt. 1791, VIRGINIA5; d. August 01, 1843, ST CLAIR COUNTY, ILLINOIS6,; m. ELIZABETH WITCHERCH, 1811, probably ST CLAIR COUNTY, ILLINOIS7. iii. JANE STEELE, b. 1791, ST CLAIR COUNTY, ILLINOIS7; d. 1840, ILLINOIS7; m. GEORGE HICKMAN, Abt. 18177. iv. SAMUEL STEELE, b. 1793, VIRGINIA7; d. 18288,9; m. SALLY SMITH. December 17, 1818, ST CLAIR COUNTY, ILLINOIS10,11. 2. v. JOHN STEELE Jr. b. May 09, 1795, AUGUSTA ,VIRGINIA; d. October 07, 1854, ST CLAIR, ILLINOIS; Susannah Jackson daughter of Joel Jackson and Nancy (Caldwell) Jackson, grandson of John Jackson. vi. JOICE (JOICY) STEELE, b. 1797, VIRGINIA11; d. October 29, 186511; m. JAMES MOORE11, March 29, 1810, ST CLAIR COUNTY, ILLINOIS12,13. vii. SARAH (SALLIE) STEELE, b. 1801, ILLINOIS13; d. WFT Est. 1826-189513; m. HARMON COOPER13, January 08, 1820, ST CLAIR COUNTY, ILLINOIS14,15. viii. LUCY STEELE, b. 1803, BELLEVILLE, ST CLAIR, ILLINOIS15; d. WFT Est. 1832-189715; m. JOSEPH FREE (HOPE) (HOPPE)15, March 27, 1827, ST CLAIR COUNTY, ILLINOIS. ix. CATHERINE STEELE, b. 1805, BELLEVILLE, ST CLAIR, ILLINOIS17; d. WFT Est. 1834-189917; m. PLEASANT DEPEW (DUPUY), January 17, 1828, ST CLAIR COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 
STEELE, John Jr (I3897)
125 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. JUDD, David Samuel (I4398)
126 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. JUDD, Kamron Kostantinos (I4242)
127 Alexander Sanders Coalson
BIRTH 29 Apr 1762
Northampton County, North Carolina, USA
DEATH 20 Aug 1852 (aged 90)
Trigg County, Kentucky, USA
Sumner Cemetery
Trigg County, Kentucky, USA
MEMORIAL ID 18324580 · View Source

Family Members
Bathsheba Futrell Coalson

Charity Colson Boren

Thomas Colson
COLSON, Alexander (Sanders) (I1012)
128 Alexender McPherson

Born: 1715
Died: Abt Jan 14, 1782 about age 67

Alexender married. 
MCPHERSON, Alexender (I1003)
129 All children from 1st wife (unknown Name ) WAITE, Robert (I3792)
GRAY, Alta (I55)
131 Anna's father is Gregory Chavez CHAVEZ, Anna Sharee (I1369)
132 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. PETERSON, BRANDI MARIE (I44)
133 April's father is Danny April (I1377)
134 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. STEELE, Florine (I54)
135 Aspen's father is Kevin ASpen (I1374)
136 At one point, Laura lived in Helena, Montana. She visited severaltimes,
and the last remembered is when Bill and Faye lived on 28th and Dodge.
That was probably around 1941. At that time she was a business woman,and
lived in San Francisco.

Sam N. Nielsen

Posted: 11/30/03

Sam N. Nielsen, age 85 of Helena, died Nov. 26, 2003, at the FortHarrison Medical Center at Fort Harrison. He was born on Sept. 15,1918, to Anders S. Nielsen and Laura (Steele) Nielsen in Lewistown.

He graduated from Fergus High School in Lewistown. Sam and Willis(Minlschmidt) Nielsen were married Aug. 29, 1938, in Harlowton andwere blessed with four children.

Sam was a staff sergeant in the U.S. Army during World War II andparticipated in the Battle for Southern Philippines, Luzon and in theOccupation Forces of Japan. He was awarded the Asiatic Service Medal,Philippine Liberation Medal with two bronze service stars, GoodConduct Medal and Victory Medal.

Sam was a meat cutter at Rahns Food in Lewistown until 1972 and aheavy equipment operator throughout Montana and Washington from 1973until retiring in 1986.

He enjoyed fishing, camping and boating. He was a member of theVeterans of Foreign Wars, the Moose Club and American Legion Club.

STEELE, Laura E. (I5)
137 Austin College Professor John Howell Dies At 38

Dr. John Fincher Howell, 38, of 607 N. Less, associate professor of biology at Austin College and six-year resident of Sherman, died at 4:20 p.m. Monday (8 February 1965) in a Sherman hospital.

Funeral arrangements are being made by the Thweatt Funeral Home in Dr. Howell's birthplace, Cleveland, Miss.

He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Howell of Vicksburg, Miss. He married Gwendolyn Westbrook in Shelby, Miss. On April 2, 1948.

Dr. Howell's early schooling was at Cleveland, Miss., and he later graduated from Delta State University and his master's degree from Louisiana State University and his doctorate from the University of Florida.

He received fellowships from the National Science Foundation, the University of Florida Graduate Council and College of Arts and Sciences, and the National Institute of Health.

Dr. Howell served with the U. S. Navy during World War II and in the Navy Reserve Training program 1943 to 1956. He was a member of the Wesley Methodist Church of Gainesville, Fla.

He is survived by his wife and his mother of Vicksburg, Miss., a son, Allen Leigh of Sherman; J'Lynn Howell of Sherman; and two sisters, Mrs. Joe Marquis, of Vicksburg, Miss., and Mrs. F. M. Steele, Jr., of Jackson, Miss.

Cleveland Services Today for Educator

Cleveland, Miss. Feb, 9, 1965 Services for Dr. John Fincher Howell, a former Cleveland resident who was professor of biology at Austin College in Sherman, Texas will be Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. at Thweatt Funeral Home here. Burial will be in New Cleveland cemetery.

Dr. Howell, who was 38, died in Sherman Monday after a long illness. Born in Cleveland, he was graduated from Delta State College here, received his M.S. degree from Louisiana State University, and was awarded his Ph.D. degree from the University of Florida.

He taught schools at Shaw, Miss. and Alachua, Fla. before going to the Texas college. In 1964, he was granted a leave of absence to do research in physiology at th University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson.

He was a member of Pi Kappa Pi, Pi Sigma, biological society, Sigma XI and was a National Science Foundation fellow in 1955. He was a member of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences and the Louisiana Academy of Sciences as well as the American Society of Limmology and Oceanography.

An expert in marine life, he had published articles and reports in numerous scientific journals. He was a veteran of World War II and was a Methodist.

He leaves his wife, Mrs. Gwendolyn Westbrook Howell of Sherman: his mother, Mrs. F. A. Howell; a daughter, J'Lynn Howell of Sherman; a son, Allen Howell of Sherman; and two sisters, Mrs. Jack Steele, Jr. of Jackson, Miss. and Mrs. Joe Marquis of Vicksburg, Miss. 
HOWELL, John Fincher (I121)
138 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. ALLAN, Michelle (I4427)
139 Bathsheba is my daughters 5th great grandmother and her father's 4th great grandmother. I grew up around the Snell's and Coalson's in New Mexico. She was the 2nd great grandmother of William Earl Coalson of Hillsboro, NM who was the grandfather of L R Snell my daughters father. They ALL spelled the name COALSON. Census takers weren't exactly the best spellers nor did the always ask the spelling of the names.

Coalson, Bathsheba Futrell (I11)
140 BIOGRAPHY: She was the youngest of 13 children. See Rangel y Times,Rangely, Colorado, February 12, 1998, Obituaries . Cleah Mae also has7 grandchildren and 3 great grandchil dren as of date of death.

MCDANIEL, Cleah Mae (I4134)
141 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. STEELE, Ione (I4370)
142 Birth: Apr. 20, 1800
Richmond County
North Carolina, USA
Death: Feb. 6, 1860
Scott County
Mississippi, USA

Born 20 April 1800 as the eldest daughter of Josiah Chambers and Christian Robinson, both members of what has been termed the Back-country Gentry of North Carolina. Her grandfathers, Edward Chambers and Luke Robinson, both served as county officials and were large land owners. The Chambers family removed about 1805 to Marlboro Co., SC, where Alethia Chambers' maternal grandfather, Luke Robinson, had moved from Montgomery and Richmond counties, North Carolina. From SC, the Chambers family joined the family of her future husband's uncle, Nathanial Denson, in Stewart Co., TN. By 1813, the family was again on the move and traveled from eastern Tennessee down the Mississippi River to Natchez on their way to land purchased in Washington Co., Mississippi Territory by Nathaniel Denson for Josiah Chambers. They spent 1813 in Wilkinson Co., MS before making the trip to Washington Co., MS TR. In Washington County, the Chambers family rejoined the Denson family and were members of the Hurricane Baptist Church, now located in Choctaw Co., MS. It was here that Alethia Chambers met her future husband, Shadrach James Denson, nephew of Nathaniel Denson. They were married in Washington County 11 August 1820. The couple was blessed with eleven children (ten grew to adulthood) and removed to Rankin Co., MS in 1827 and finally Scott County where Alethia Chambers Denson succumbed to a stroke 6 February 1860. Alethia Chambers Denson led the life of a devout Christian and a leader in her community. She was a true matriarch who was much respected and loved by her family, friends and servants.

Her obituary from Tennessee Baptist (Nashville, Davidson Co., TN), 2 Jun 1860,


Departed this life in Scott County, Mississippi, on the 6th of February, 1860, sister Aletha Denson, wife of brother S. J. Denson, of apoplexy. She was born in Nor Carolina, Apr 20th, 1800, daughter of Josiah Chambers, and married 11th Aug, 1820, to S. J. Denson; professed faith in Christ and was baptised in 1822. She lived an exemplary life, humbly adorning the Christian profession, discharging her duties to her large family of children, her servants, the Baptist Church to which she belonged, and to all with who she was acquainted. She was ever dearly beloved by her family, church and friends, and was truly a model of piety, and a mother in Israel. Her house was ever a home for Baptists, and Baptist ministers. She had the pleasure to live to see all her children grown, married and well settled in life; and orderly members of the Baptist Church. Living and acting the life of a Christian, she died in full living faith in the Son of God, being fully ripe and matured for Heaven. She had often expressed her willingness to leave the world, being assured that she had an interest in Christ and a home in Heaven. She was permitted to die as she desired, was taken suddenly and remained insensible for some days, when she died. All was done to relieve and restore her, but her time had come, and "she was taken from the evil to come." "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." Her works will follow her. May her children imitate her in godliness, holiness and righteousness. Mississippi Baptist please copy. By A Brother In Christ

Family links:
Shadrach James Denson (1800 - 1888)

James Nathaniel Denson (1836 - 1907)*

*Calculated relationship

Ludlow Cemetery
Scott County
Mississippi, USA

Created by: John P. S. Quinn
Record added: Jun 28, 2010
Find A Grave Memorial# 54232769 
CHAMBERS, Alethia (I301)
143 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. NEEDLES, Pauline (I4371)
144 Birth: Oct. 18, 1840
Stewart County
Georgia, USA
Death: Dec. 21, 1895
Leake County
Mississippi, USA


The death of this excellent Christian woman brought great sadness to a happy home and to very many sympathising [sic] hearts. "We knew her in her dewy youth," when the rose was first in bloom. She and we were two of a party of 26 happy converts who "put on the Christ by baptism" as among the results of a gracious religious revival at dear old Jerusalem church in Scott County, back in the fifties. It was also our honor and pleasure to have the part of the best man when she became the happy bride of Dr. J. N. Denson, one of the dearest and best friends of a lifetime. She seemed to possess most or all of those traits that go to make up the truest type of genuine womanhood and would have adorned any home in the land from a humble cottage to a mansion or palace. Her accomplishments, though raised a country girl, were of such a high order that she was the center of attraction in a large and intelligent community, and afterwards developed easily into the model home-maker, affectionate wife, the devoted mother, the helpful neighbor and the never neglectful friend. Her religion was not of the moody or flickering character, but has permanent and staying qualities, and therefore gave coloring and beautiful consistency to all she did.
This good woman was the daughter of Bro. And Sister H. B. Lee and was born in Stewart county [sic], Ga., on October 19, A. D. , 1840, came with her parents to Mississippi and settled near Ludlow, Scott county [sic], in 1851. She was converted and baptised into the fellowship of Jerusalem Baptist church [sic] in August 1855, was married to Dr. J. N. Denson October 23, 1856 and died at Tuscola, Leake county [sic], Miss, on December 21, 1895. So devoted were her family to her that her two grown up sons , Robert Lee, a teacher, and Jas. O., a physician, when they learned of her serious sickness, started at once and traveled day and night many weary miles overland that they might, if possible, be with her in her last moments. We are not surprised to be told that this pure woman "was ready to go" when the summons came and to respond with alacrity to the enquiry of her heart-broken husband, "Yes, if it is God's will, I am ready to go."
She was followed to her last resting place by a large concourse of sorrowing friends which gave ample proof of the high regard in which she was held by her friends and neighbors. We hope some day before very long to go with our sorrowing brother and the dear little motherless boy, "Charlie Hackett," and read with them the inscription he has put on her memorial stone- "A faithful wife, a devoted mother and a friend to al, " as true words we doubt not as ever were written- and mingle our tears with theirs in mourning for the loved and gone, but amid it all to rejoice with them in the hope of a heavenly and blissful immortality. May God of all grace and consolation sustain our brother and his dear children in their great bereavement and at last bring them all together again an unbroken and happy family in His everlasting kingdom.

Family links:
Henry Bryant Lee (1806 - 1891)
Margaret Bell Lee Lee (1813 - 1883)

James Nathaniel Denson (1836 - 1907)*

Richard Burr Denson (1869 - 1953)*
Joseph Hunter Denson (1873 - 1961)*
Claude Denson (1877 - 1879)*

*Calculated relationship

Tuscola Cemetery
Leake County
Mississippi, USA

Maintained by: John P. S. Quinn
Originally Created by: Stephen Oubre
Record added: Mar 13, 2009
Find A Grave Memorial# 34749012 
LEE, Mary Foster (I646)
145 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. STEELE, Dorothy (I4081)
146 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. STEELE, James Douglas (I4088)
147 Birthplace Source: Harriet Virginia Roberts family group s heets. ALLRED, David William (I4119)
148 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. OGEN, William Francis (I4362)
149 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. JUDD, Leroy David (I4097)
150 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. STEELE, Adielle Mary (I4422)

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